Rosie BurbidgeMar 33 minWhen should a trade mark case be stayed?The Court of Appeal has reconsidered whether a stay should be granted in a case in the IPEC concerning trade marks for knitting needles.
Rosie BurbidgeMar 32 minWhat happens to licensed performers' rights when you resurrect an actor using CGI?High Court set to determine unjust enrichment case concerning resurrection of actor Peter Cushing (Grand Moff Tarkin) in Rogue One.
Rosie BurbidgeAug 29, 20234 minWhen does keyword advertising infringe trade mark rights?A small accounting company (Global Infosys Ltd) was found to have infringed the trade mark of a rival as a result of a campaign.
Rosie BurbidgeJun 29, 20234 minWhat lessons can be learned from the Packham libel trial?Litigation between TV personality and naturalist Chris Packham and three citizen journalists gives useful insights on liability and damages
Rosie BurbidgeMay 31, 20233 minWhen is a UK IPO Hearing Officer decision "flawed"?It is rare that a Hearing Officer decision is overturned on appeal. But this all changed in a recent TM application for STITCH