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Rosie Burbidge
Mar 25, 20244 min read
Why was Tesco unsuccessful in its Lidl trade mark infringement appeal?
Court of Appeal has upheld finding that Tesco’s Clubcard Prices campaign infringed Lidl’s registered trade mark and committed passing off.

Rosie Burbidge
Nov 27, 20232 min read
When is a company name a Lidl misleading?
Find out how Lidl used the Company Names Tribunal to stop someone using a misleading company name (Lidl Logistics Limited)

Rosie Burbidge
Oct 26, 20234 min read
Can you enforce rights in an orphan brand?
A recent judgment in the IPEC illustrates some of the challenges that can arise when an old brand falls into disuse. But this case provides

Rosie Burbidge
Apr 28, 20233 min read
Passing off and copyright infringement in beauty case over anti-age serum
An anti-age skin serum called “Elixir” has led to a finding of passing off and copyright infringement

Rosie Burbidge
Apr 28, 20235 min read
Tesco's Clubcard logo is a Lidl bit too similar - find out why
Lidl has succeeded in its trade mark infringement, passing off and copyright claims against rival supermarket Tesco.
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